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Wealth Tax - A warning to Taxpayers

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

(This is the full version of the article presented on, Sep 6, 2020)

World Economic Forum has launched The Great Reset, already discussed in several articles on The Duran. Comments from readers suggest that most readers have picked up that The Great Reset endeavors to convince world leaders to completely alter how the world economy works – all based on popular woke narratives reflecting social justice and environmental issues. Among these, we find Wealth Tax as a recurring topic during economic crises. The objective of convincing ruling elites to implement radical changes is a tall order and will (hopefully) fail, but there can be little doubt that politicians are susceptible to arguments supporting new taxes.

Over the last two decades, Western economies have been increasingly driven by debt. A significant contributor to the 2008 stock market crash was unsustainable debt. How did we fix the problem? We, the private sector, and governments went on an unprecedented spending spree, financed by credit created out of thin air. Since then Western nations have doubled debt levels. More loans may bring initial comfort to stressed economies but exacerbates the problem. The Covid crisis makes it even worse. Governmental rescue programs are on rapid escalation with a huge decline in national fiscal income. This will have to be financed by either more loans, taxes, or a combination thereof. Who or when to pay for it all, is quite unclear, but there will be no escape for taxpayers. We can sardonically state that life comes with only two inevitabilities - taxes and death. We have to accept them both, but not necessarily the Wealth Tax.

Former US Democrat presidential nominees Elisabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have already suggested a new Wealth Tax on wealthy Americans. Joe Biden’s tax proposals are predicted to increase taxes for households at every income level and make the federal tax code more progressive, but he has to my knowledge rejected proposals for a Wealth Tax. On the other hand, strong forces are pushing him further to the left on the political spectrum, and WT is highly supported among left progressives. California Democrats have raised two proposals to raise taxes on the “rich.” Assembly Bill 1253 and 2088 would raise the top tax rates in California – which are already the nation’s highest at 13.3% – even higher with the introduction of a 0,4% Wealth Tax.

In the UK the Wealth Tax debate is partially obscured by other political events, such as the Brexit debacle. The WT appears to have eluded the interest of most media outlets however, powerful forces are supporting WT. Many political leaders are already expressing clear support with well-known political cliches.

Member of the OMFIF Advisory Board, Brian Reading (former Economic Adviser to UK Prime Minister Edward Heath) states:

“The pandemic makes the case for a British wealth tax undeniable. A wealth tax helps to reduce inequality. It is an economic and moral necessity. The cost of this outbreak should not be left as a future burden solely on those who work, save and invest to create wealth.”

Lord Gus O’Donnell, who was cabinet secretary, the most senior civil service official, under David Cameron, Gordon Brown, and Tony Blair, said Covid-19 had created “a clear burning platform” for tax reform, “particular on wealth”.

A quick search on the internet indicates that there is a strong appetite for a Wealth Tax among left progressives. There is also growing support from politicians with moderate political leanings. PM Boris Johnson has at least on one occasion opposed Wealth Tax, but it remains to be seen if he will maintain his position when the coffers start drying up.

So, what is Wealth Tax, and what are the experiences?

The wealth tax is similar to a property tax. But instead of taxing only real estate, it covers wealth in all forms: stocks, cash, jewelry, yachts, cars, paintings, — any tangible asset that could be appraised at a monetary value. By contrast, most other taxes are based on income or consumption.

Wealth Tax is not a new thing in Europe, but most countries have scrapped it on grounds that it is considered to be counterproductive. Wealth taxes encouraged avoidance, evasion, and capital flight. Wealth taxes raised little revenue and became riddled with exemptions. All in all, European wealth taxes generally brought in a mere 0.2% of GDP in revenues, a study from the Cato Institute noted. Today only Belgium, Norway, Switzerland and Spain are relying on Wealth Tax, but designs are very different. Norway is considered to enforce the toughest WT of all, still providing only 1,1% revenue of the GDP in 2017. Norwegians pay municipal property tax, but WT does not exempt property. Hence, Norwegians pay double property tax.

The Norwegian WT goes back in time to 1892. WT has been fiercely debated among Norwegian academics, taxpayers, and politicians. WT holds strong symbolic value to left-leaning politicians. Norway has been ruled by a conservative minority government for the last 6 years but has failed to terminate the WT as promised in the political manifesto. As with most taxes, once introduced, they tend to live forever.

WT has several adverse consequences, acknowledged but ignored by the Norwegian political majority. I will briefly touch a few of them.

Political support for WT is gathered on claims that WT targets only the rich. There is no common definition of “rich” in the western world, but the presidential campaigns from the US democratic campaigners suggest a WT threshold of USD 32 mill or higher. According to polling by YouGov, 61% of the UK public will support a wealth tax for individuals with assets worth more than £750 000. On the other side of the scale, the Norwegian tax system defines “rich” as having a net worth of only USD 164 000. Hence, 29% of Norway’s full-time wagers pay WT, and the number grows steadily by escalating property values.

The stark fact, although no exact numbers have been presented, is that a great number of (the few) extremely wealthy Norwegians have fled the country. Assisted by sharp lawyers they bring family, jobs, businesses, and assets. This is why the most wealthy and productive Norwegian, no 141 on Forbes 2020, is living in London. Good for the UK, but bad for Norway. Furthermore, WT effectively targets small business owners, homeowners, and any other person or family saving for a college fund, retirement, or just for a rainy day. WT is blind to liquidity and income. This creates a tremendous and unsustainable problem for taxpayers with “much assets and little cash”. Small business owners are often hit hard, particularly when the business is not generating income or dividends. Pensioners owning their own homes with no mortgage are also very often in this unfortunate group.

Norway enforced a tax ceiling, preventing anyone from paying more tax than 80% of total net income. The ceiling was removed in 2009 by a labor coalition government, aiming to increase taxes on “the rich”. Consequently, there is no upper limit on the total tax bill. The conservative opposition slept on duty and failed to understand the implications. Today, some taxpayers pay more tax than income. Hard to believe, but yes it is true. For the affected individual or family, this is an unsustainable situation that forces some of the most productive citizens to flee the country. Norway has also passed laws attempting to prevent people from leaving the country - The taxman will come after you for five years. It’s like the tax version of Eagles’ Hotel California; “You can check in, but you can never leave”. Constructive criticism of such a system has been like water on a duck’s back.

Germany’s Ifo Institute simulated 2018 the introduction of a German Wealth Tax of 0,8%. The study presented some very significant findings. It was concluded that WT would annually raise 15 billion euros while giving a revenue loss of 31 billion euros, and with an employment reduction of 2%. In other words – for every euro gained, two euros are lost. It is fair to assume that same will apply to most advanced economies, but UK’s Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has no later than this summer, launched a similar study to explore the possibilities of a British WT. The project is scheduled to issue its report in December 2020.

Tony Blair’s pledge of 50% with a university degree is a reality today. Our young adults are more educated than ever, but our educational institutions seem to have failed to teach self-reliance over victimhood. The cry for government help, aiming to save people from any unfavorable situation in life, is louder than ever. Politicians have gradually fallen prey to increased and unsustainable demands, and are now openly competing to offer the biggest handouts. President Kennedy once asked Americans “not to ask what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. He also stated that welfare should be “a way of help, not a way of living”. Those are core conservative beliefs, amazingly coming from a Democrat President. Today, almost 60 years later, such words are not expected even from hard-core conservatives. This strongly suggests that the complete political spectrum has shifted to the left.

Mrs Thatcher came to power with a strong belief that people were overly dependant on the state. Today the Tories have a solid political majority in Britain but appear no longer to advocate conservatism. Traditional beliefs seem to have left Tory benches. Mr Johnson was a great political campaigner but failed to make conservative politics. Now, he is replaced by the unelected remoaner Liz Truss who roleplays conservative while increasing deficit spending.

Taxpayers have all the reason to fear a Wealth Tax. You may wake up someday realizing that your government thinks you are a lot richer than you truly are – and you will be told that your hard-earned and already taxed savings represent a grave social injustice. The potential introduction of a Wealth Tax will initially be disguised as a tax on extreme wealth. Norwegian experience and Germany’s pragmatic study conclude that WT is creating a fiscal loss. Productive citizens flee the country and the burden of WT is effectively borne by every citizen, even when the tax is designed to target only the rich.

WT has completely failed to meet its fiscal objectives, nor does it create less inequality or produce more teachers or nurses. The political justification is false. A Wealth Tax will certainly not make the UK, or any other nation for that matter, the land of Hope and Glory.

In closing, I will share a somewhat humorous, but still, tragic story about the WT. A local small business owner named Jan, situated on the West coast of Norway had just received his quarterly tax bill. He paid the income tax but had no cash to pay the WT. He disputed the tax valuation of his business, but the taxman was unimpressed. The next morning the taxman found 25 tons of chains blocking the entrance to city hall. During the night Jan had dumped the chains as payment for WT. The only assets in his business were chains, The taxman despaired and called locals for help, but all supported Jan and refused to assist. After this, Jan became the epitome of WT failures, but without any attention or sympathy from the ruling political class.

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